The German American Society has long standing relationships with Sister Clubs

Sister Cubs include special interest groups. Sister Clubs may include members of the German American Society though that is not a requirement. Sister Club meetings are held at the German Haus, home of the German American Society.  


The Deutscher Frauen-Hilfsverein (German Ladies Relief Society) was founded in 1886 for the purpose of assisting German immigrants in times of need.

Today, the German Ladies Relief Society continues to support various causes and organizations in the Portland Metro area. Their largest fundraisers are the Silbertee (Silver Tea) held in April and the Holiday Bazaar held in November.

Continuing the custom of holding their meetings in German, the German Ladies Relief Society members gather on the second Thursday of each month (except for July and August) at noon from September to June at the German American Society building for lunch, coffee and “Gemütlichkeit”.

The German Ladies Relief Society is open to all. The annual membership fee of $15.00. Speaking German is not a requirement as we highly encourage non-speakers to join.

Please contact Gertrud Bublies for further information

(503) 453-9389 |

Come and join us at one of our monthly meetings here at the German American Society!

Liedertafel Harmonie

Liedertafel 2019 photo.jpg

The Liedertafel Harmonie (German Singing Society Portland, Oregon) has been a tradition in Portland since 1923. They are a vital link in Portland's German community, keeping German culture alive through their annual concerts, dances, picnics, and much more. The annual Weihnachtskonzert (Christmas concert) is the highlight of their yearly schedule, with the audience growing every year. Together with a festive gathering afterwards which includes a traditional German Christmas dessert buffet, and an authentic German Christmas bake sale, their concert has truly become an event not to be missed in Portland during the holiday season.

The Liedertafel Harmonie has about sixty active members who meet Friday evenings (September through May) from 7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the German American Society building.

As with all other choirs in the North Pacific Singing Federation, the Liedertafel Harmonie is committed to continuing what their founding members established and enjoyed. This includes preserving German songs, German culture, the German language, German Gemütlichkeit (fellowship), as well as building strong friendships amongst choir members, other choirs in the local community.

If you have Friday nights free and like to sing, or like to socialize, please come and join the Liedertafel Harmonie here at the German American Society building. The Liedertafel Harmonie welcomes visitors and new singers of all levels and backgrounds. Speaking German is not a requirement as non-speakers are highly encouraged to join.

For more information, please call President, Christian P. Stehr, at (541) 760-3883, or e-mail

Deutscher Unterhaltungsverein


In 1962, the Deutscher Unterhaltungsverein (DUV) was founded for the purpose of playing German card games, Skat & Pinochle, by members of the German American Society.

The DUV is a group of amateur card players who enjoy participating in Skat–tournaments throughout the Pacific Northwest and Canada.

Please join the DUV for their monthly meetings held on the first Saturday of each month (September through June) at 5:00 pm at the German American Society building. The meetings start with a light snack and then rounds of Skat as well as rounds of Pinochle are played. Guests are always welcome to play and attend the meetings.

The DUV holds afternoon card playing sessions on the second and fourth Fridays of each month (September through May) at 2 pm at the German American Society building.

For more information, please email:

Austrian American Society


The Austrian American Society of Oregon fosters Austrian customs and provides an opportunity for Austrians and friends of Austria to enjoy their roots, culture and traditions here in Portland. The Austrian American Society holds annual events at the German American Society building.

Take the opportunity to practice your Muttersprache at one of their many wonderful functions. The Austrians Club has many events throughout the year, which include: Kinderfasching, Viennese Ball Heurigen, Picnic, Austrian Day Celebration and the visit of St. Nikolaus and Krampus with the children.

Anyone with ties to Austria and love for Austria is welcome to join. Membership automatically also includes a membership to the Auslandsoesterreicher Weltbund (Austrians living abroad organization). For more information email: or visit their website:

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Welcome the Portland, Oregon and Washington GHRS chapter named Germans from Russia of Oregon and Washington (GROW). Their mission is to collect, publish, and preserve the heritage of Germans from Russia. Please visit the GROW chapter website for more information.


GROW continues to work with older and younger generations in assisting them on finding out more about their family history. GROW members can take advantage of all the new resources available in the form of books and maps that they have available in their ever-evolving GROW library as well as on the internet. Also, their parent organization (GRHS) has a website which gives them access as a member to more resources:

There are many benefits to joining the GRHS GROW chapter. They include:

Meet local residents who are also interested in the collection, publication, and preservation of our heritage as Germans from Russia. Share folklore, songs, literature, objects of art, genealogies, photos, documents and recipes with local genealogists.

GROW meets the fourth Sunday of each month (from September through June) at 2:00 PM at the German American Society building. They occasionally feature a guest speaker followed by refreshments, a short business meeting and Gemütlickeit (fellowship).

For more information contact Adi Hartfeil, President at (503) 636-2272 or email